How Vulnerability Creates Change

Sharing a deeply personal story with the world helped me realize that vulnerability is a powerful tool to create change and inspire others to follow along.
Mike De Socio

A Tale of Two Karens

They are political polar opposites, but through Braver Angels, they’re forging a path toward productive conversations, and even friendship.
Cecily Sailer, Jim Tuttle

This Is Better Than an Apology

Everyone messes up. Any relationship involves two imperfect communicators capable of hurt feelings, frustration, or loneliness. Given this, expecting communication and harmony to be “par for the course” is unreasonable.
The Gottman Institute

The Death Issue

When I learned that my first issue as editorial director of YES! would be on death, I cringed a bit. No one likes to think about death, much less talk about it. In fact, death might be more taboo to discuss than even sex or money. A recent survey found that only about a third of people had discussed making wills with their partners, or their wishes concerning their funerals. It’s almost as though we believe that dying doesn’t actually happen. At least not to us.
Lauren Bohn
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